Color palette generator
Discover all the different color palettes that fit your color of choice.
Color variations
Use these color variations of shades, tints, tones, and monochromatic.
Shades are created by adding black to the main color, making it darker. Shades appear deeper and richer tones.
Tints are created by adding white to the main color, lightening it to create softer, pastel-like versions. Tints designs a gentle, airy feel.
Tones are produced by mixing gray with the main color, decreasing its saturation.
A monochromatic palette uses variations of a single hue, including its shades, tints, and tones.
Color harmonies
Use these color variations of shades, tints, tones, and monochromatic.
Complementary color schemes are created by picking two colors on the opposite sides of the color wheel. They appear vibrant together.
Analogous colors are groups of three that sit next to each other on the color wheel. They harmonize well and create a subtle contrast.
Split Complementary
Split complementary palettes uses one base color and two adjacent to its complement. They offer high contrast with less tension.
Triadic palettes consist of three evenly spaced colors on the color wheel. It offers vibrant and balanced contrast, making designs lively and dynamic.
A tetradic palette involves two pairs of complementary colors, forming a rectangle on the color wheel. This is a versatile template with high contrast.
Square palettes are a type of tetradic palettes with colors arranged in a square instead of a rectangular. Colors in a square palette appear contrasting.